Simple English Essay on Who Am I for Children and Students

I am the only individual I know totally. In any case, still, when individuals get some information about myself, I frequently get puzzled. I am generally left ignorant regarding what to state. Numerous individuals experience this, and it is often very humiliating. While we realize our selves well, we should realize how to characterize ourselves. Do you feel astounded when, during a meeting, you are approached to talk a couple of lines about yourself? All things considered, a great many people face this issue. Is it correct to say that it isn’t unexpected that we aren’t even ready to characterize ourselves?


Example #1 of Simple English Essay on Who Am I for Children and Students

I am a simple young lady who cherishes keeping life basic. I fantasize about living independently as I grow up. I need to have cherishing connections; however, I would prefer not to rely upon anybody for anything. I need to be both monetarily and emotionally independent and stable.


My Aim in Life

I am an aspiring individual. I have consistently been a topper in my group and need to proceed with the pattern even as I take on more significant difficulties throughout everyday life. I need to take up the science stream as I enter Class XI as I wish to contemplate medication. The field of Ayurveda has continuously intrigued me. I need to think about this old science and need to recuperate individuals from different mental and physical sicknesses with the assistance of Ayurvedic herbs and medicines.

A profession in medication isn’t just respectful yet, besides, very rewarding. I need to get into the therapeutic field as a result of these two angles, as well as because I need to support the penniless. I need to open my very own facility or look for a decent open door with a previously settled Ayurvedic focus. Likewise, I additionally need to compose medicinal camps in remote regions in any event once every 2-3 months to give restorative assistance free of cost to individuals living in those territories.


My Role Model

My good example is my mom. She has been a wellspring of motivation for my sister and me as far back as our youth days. She is a working lady and has accomplished extraordinary statures in her vocation. Everybody in her office lauds her for being amazingly persevering and true towards her work. This nature of her likewise reflects in the manner she deals with our home. She ensures everything is set up. She prepares delicious nourishment and ensures we all sit and have in any event one supper together consistently.

Even though she is working and needs to deal with the home that doesn’t sway her from dealing with us, she causes us with our investigations. She furthermore energizes and sets us up for extra-curricular exercises. She is really an all-rounder. I try to be much the same as my mom. I need to find some kind of harmony between my own and expert life simply like her.


The Final Words

Numerous individuals reach skyward and need to accomplish a ton in their lives. In an endeavor, they wind up losing their well-being. I would prefer not to fall into that classification. I am somebody who is incredibly aggressive, yet my point likewise incorporates being reliable and upbeat and not merely being fruitful and affluent.



Example #2 of Simple English Essay on Who Am I for Children and Students

I am a soft-hearted individual. This quality of mine has helped me win a few companions. My relatives and family members likewise acclaim me along these lines. Be that as it may, this attribute of mine has similarly landed me in a tough situation numerous multiple times. Over time, I have discovered that it is a great idea to have a caring heart and help other people anyway abundance of everything is awful.


How My Kindness Lands Me In Trouble?

It is said that individuals who help other people are always content and cheerful. Benevolence falls into place without any issues for me, and I love helping other people. It gives me a feeling of fulfillment. Be it in school or home or anyplace, I love helping everybody around. I need everybody to be glad. Thus, I put forth a valiant effort to spread grins.

Notwithstanding, this propensity for mine has regularly made issues for me. For example, since I am excellent in ponders, understudies frequently take my scratchpad to finish their work. In any event, when there is a test the following day, I can’t deny giving my journal to my kindred understudies on the off chance that they request it. Many occasions, my colleagues haven’t restored my note pad on schedule, and in such cases, it turns out to be exceptionally hard for me to get ready for the test. Now and again, I get my scratchpad torn or jotted.

While I need to do useful for other people, it ends up being awful for me. Numerous multiple times, I share my lunch with the poor children who come asking for nourishment and cash on my approach to class. In light of this, I am not left with anything to eat until late morning. This badly affects my health. I experience the ill effects of migraine, stomach hurt, and causticity on such days.


How I Changed Myself to improve things?

My mom can’t see me endure along these lines. Along these lines, she continues letting me know not to do such acts that badly affect me. While prior, I used to reject her lessons as I loved helping individuals anyway over time, I have understood that we should help other people, yet it is fundamental to deal with ourselves first. There is an axiom, “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Deal with yourself first”. This implies we can help other people just when we ourselves are sound and have enough. We can’t starve ourselves and feed others.

So even though I want to help individuals, now I stop and inquire as to whether this may negatively affect me. If the appropriate response is true, I abstain from doing as such. Seeing this slight change in my conduct, a few people have begun calling me inconsiderate. In any case, this doesn’t influence me as I comprehend what I am doing is right. My family feels that I have gotten savvier, and that is sufficient for me.


The Final Words

I love learning and encountering new things throughout everyday life. I am appreciative of what I have and need to do whatever I can to satisfy others. Nonetheless, I presently remember that to deal with others and satisfy them, and I have to deal with myself first.