Simple English Essay on Zoo for Children and Students

The zoo is where animals, creatures, birds, reptiles, and different species are kept in confinement and are given appropriate food and medical aids. The captivated areas, in which the animals are kept, are checked according to the government rules and are additionally shown to people in general. Zoos are additionally called Animal Park and do numerous huge assignments of bringing issues to light, securing the species, and giving safe reproducing grounds to the creatures, among others.

In years, zoos have advanced into their structure, and present-day zoo gives an abundance of open space to the creatures with security. The idea of pens has been bitten by bit eliminated, and today zoos contain open spaces with the flanked edge to isolate animals and guests. Zoo assumes an important job in securing the species by keeping them in a protected domain. It additionally gives researchers, veterinary specialists, and doctors, students to ponder creature conduct intently and execute new procedures and drugs for the good of them. 


Example #1 of Simple English Essay on Zoo for Children and Students

A place where types of wild creatures are housed inside fenced-in areas and showed to the general population is named as a zoological park or in prevalent terms a ‘Zoo.’ These offices help in the preservation of uncommon creature species, for example, the Javan and dark Rhino, the Sumatran Elephant and Orang-utan, different types of tigers, the monster panda, and so on that have gotten wiped out because of the mass chopping down of timberlands.


Zoo – A Savior of Natural Environment

By giving these imperiled species sufficient medicinal consideration and a sheltered and secure living space emulating their natural environment, these creature parks have effectively congratulated the “hostage rearing projects.” This incorporates the generation of creatures and from that point, their re-presentation into their normal, natural surroundings. This has helped in expanding the number of animals in nature.


Zoo and Education

As if there should be an occurrence of kids, the zoos assume a significant job in instructing them about their natural habitat, of which natural life is a considerable part. Notwithstanding different geographic stations on TV, the zoos draw in a considerable number of kids each year as they help the youngsters with a chance to see the wild creatures. These aides in instructing these little youngsters about the conduct and the earth of these wild creatures.


The Final Words

Along these lines, the need of great importance is to advance the ‘reproducing’ programs in zoos and furthermore congratulate the detailing of progressively zoological gardens to avert the termination of the different types of creatures.


Example #2 of Simple English Essay on Zoo for Children and Students

Before going for the winter travels, my school organized a visit to the National Zoological Park, Delhi. Every one of the students was eager and excited about it, as it was our first excursion with our companions since we had been elevated to the fourth standard. 

Dressed conveniently in the school outfits alongside the game shoes, we set out for the voyage by having gathered ourselves in the school transport. It took us about an hour to reach the zoo. The tickets had just been acquired by the school experts ahead of time; consequently, after arriving, we entered the zoo, not at all like others who were remaining in the lines at the ticket counters. We had just been offered guidelines to stroll in little groups, each headed by an instructor so as to abstain from getting lost.

To begin with, we went over the monkeys which were kept in a huge enclosure with trees in various assortments to give them abundant space for hopping and playing. These incorporated the langur, mandrill, chimpanzee, light darker cleaned monkey, and so on.

At the point when we came there, the monkeys were being nourished mangoes and bananas by the zoo specialists. We were stunned at their knowledge as they painstakingly stripped the leafy foods, just the palatable part.

We additionally went over our predecessor gorilla strolling on two legs similarly as we people walk today.

Strolling further, we watched a Himalayan mountain bear that was serenely resting under a tree in discard and devouring nectar, which had been given by the zoo specialists. It was amusing to see him just focus on the nectar and totally disregard the wild thunders that were originating from the close by the trench. These thunders were of the panthers that appeared to be aggravated, maybe because they have not yet been bolstered.

From there on, we strolled to the following trench and watched the radiant Bengal tiger, which was dashing here and there the trees and in the lake. Its high impact exercise appeared to pull in different bystanders and furthermore we youngsters invested a lot of energy watching it.

This while, I and my companions had been left to see the large lion with an extraordinary mane, dreadful thunders and its lour about which we had examined. Notwithstanding, when we went over it, the Asiatic lion was serenely resting under the shade of the tree. We, as a whole, were truly baffled.

Moving further, we visited the underground reptile segment where the venomous snakes and crocodiles had been kept. The snakes, however, harmful and dangerous, had very excellent plans on their skimming skin, particularly the Asian vine snake and the Sri Lankan Pit Viper.

Furthermore, it was a productive encounter to watch the gators and crocodiles swimming stealthily in the lake.

Returning on the ground level, we experienced an extremely large enclosure where the feathered creatures, including the hornbill, peacock, shikra, kite, and so on, had been kept in bondage giving them adequate space for flying. They were extremely lovely birds in different hues, particularly the peacock that was in the parade of incredibly excellent quills. My companions and I were sufficiently fortunate to see the peacock with its open feathers. 

There were additionally some waterbirds, not equipped for flying excessively high, including the ducks, swans, cranes, and so on in various tones that were kept in an artificial lake. They were regardless of the winter season, gliding in the water and getting a charge out of it.

In the wake of having finished the visit, lunch had been organized by the school staff in the eatery at the zoo. It was a buffet that we ate and afterward had frozen yogurt. From there on, we boarded the transport and arrived at the school premises by four at night. Even though I have visited the zoo on various occasions with my family, this involvement in my companions was, without a doubt, fun and essential.